My name is Necola Ruddock mother of 8 wonderful children. I began my studies at UNIVERSAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, May 2018. Before I attended school I felt out of place and not a part of society because I knew something was missing out of my life other than my children. I woke up one morning Googled School of nursing and UNIVERSAL TRAINING INSTITUTE was the second option so I said let me call and see what my luck would be. I was granted an appointment which I attended and found out what I needed to enter. After going through the requirements I passed and began class. My first day of orientation was when I met my director Mrs. Houston who told us what was required of the school. Now I am a tough cookie; a Miss know-it-all and I was like yea right – to everything she said in orientation. Well the first day of class I didn’t really understand what was going on and I had to leave all that toughness at the time clock. The point of my story is I thought I would never get through school but I was determined, every week I was in the office crying, which went nowhere. I couldn’t grasp why I have to take care of 8 children go home and study, go to work every weekend and do doubles. Mrs. Houston use to look at me and told me I’m not signing you out of class, Cinnamon who controls the front desk would say you better stop it you got this, Mrs. Lauria who gave me nightmares called it regression. But, at the end of the day I’m not saying it was an easy train ride but guess who has accomplished one of the biggest goals of my life, Me!!! Necola Ruddock!! And I thank my family and the Most High God. I’m proud and honored to say I attended UNIVERSAL TRAINING INSTITUTE. SALUTE!!!!!!!!
– Necola Rudduck (Graduate 2019)

My success story at Universal Training Institute is unique. I originally worked at UTI as the school’s registrar. After many years of working with students and sharing in their excitement and commitment in becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse, I was inspired to enroll as a student. Supported by all of the wonderful faculty, I am now practicing as an LPN. I absolutely loved being a part of UTI. I cherish our school director and am so grateful for my new and rewarding career as a nurse!
– Veronica Sandoval (Graduate 2017)

I started taking night classes at the Universal Training Institute and the school was really great about letting me switch into the day program when my schedule changed. Every time I need help it’s there for me. I highly recommend UTI. The school has taught me the future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
– Lizbeth Espinal (Graduate 2018)

Attending Universal Training Institute in Perth Amboy has really helped me achieve my goal. My experience at the school was incredible, the teachers were really helpful and available whenever I needed them. As a graduate I know I’m ready to go out in the field and succeed. I am really proud to be a UTI graduate and I definitely recommend the school to anyone interested in a career in nursing.